Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Fuels imported from China in Upper Mustang

The transport entrepreneurs in Upper Mustang have imported euro-4 fuels of petrol and diesel from Tibet, the autonomous part of People’s Republic of China.
The entrepreneurs have imported the fuels as per their need in Lho Manthang, Ghami, Surkhang, Chhoser and other areas to run motorcycles, jeeps and goods carrying trucks.
Trader Pasang Gurung of Lho Manthang said that Nepalis are bringing the fuels from the depots in Dhongwasen district of Tibet.
With the opening of track of Kali Gandaki corridor upto Korala checkpoint in the district, the number of vehicles in the Upper Mustang has also increased in the recent days.
However, most of the motorcycles running in the upper part in the district are illegal as they bear the Chinese number plates.
It is said that the local entrepreneurs in the district have stored the fuels for nearly six months and there is no fuel shortage in Mustang. RSS

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