Monday, November 23, 2015

UN Secretary General calls for lifting blockade

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has once again underlined Nepal’s right to free transit and urged all sides to end the blockade at border checkpoints.
“The Secretary-General underlines his growing concern over the blocking of essential supplies on the Nepal-India border,” read a statement attributed to Ban’s official spokesperson, issued by UN Headquarters yesterday.
This is the second time the UN chief has officially called all stakeholders to end the protracted disruption of supplies across the Nepal-India border.
Ban, on November 10, had also expressed deep concern about the humanitarian crisis Nepal has been facing due to the blockade and disruption of essential supplies, including medicine and fuel.
The Secretary-General made this latest call after the agitating Madhesi front destroyed cargo freights carrying life-saving medicine and set an ambulance carrying an ailing child on fire yesterday.
“He is alarmed by reports of the obstruction and destruction of life-saving medical supplies and the continued impact on humanitarian operations,” Ban’s spokesperson added. Ban also called on all sides to lift these restrictions without f, according to the statement.

UN Convention on Transit Trade

As per the UN Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States, it’s the obligation of the transit countries to provide unhindered access for transport of goods to any land-locked country like Nepal up to the sea ports.
Ahead of planned protests on November 21, Ban further stressed the importance of dialogue and non-violence, as well as respect for peaceful protest and the freedom of assembly.
He urged all sides to resolve their differences in a peaceful manner and reiterated the support of the United Nations to Nepal’s efforts to build a democratic, inclusive, peaceful and prosperous future.
Due to the continued blockade of almost three months, even the essential goods that Nepal imported from third countries have been stopped at border checkpoints.

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