Sunday, January 10, 2016

Madhyapur Thimi municipality stops approving construction map

Bhaktapur, Jan 10: Madhyapur Thimi Municipality has stopped approving design to construct houses on the plotted land breaching municipality set standards.
The move follows complaints that hundreds of ropani of land have been plotted in the municipality area without permission from the municipality beforehand. Respective municipality is required to be asked for permission to plot any land in its area.
The trend of plotting land in the area of the municipality without prior permission is increasing. So we have stopped approving house construction maps in such areas,” said executive officer at the municipality Bhupendra Sapkota. He said that their repeated calls to concerned authorities to meet criteria before stepping into such works have not been heard.
The municipality said that land plotting has taken place illegally at Nil Barahi, Bode, the area of Agriculture Development Office, Lokanthali, surrounding areas of the Department of Education and Educational Resource and Development Centre and Araniko Highway and either sides of the road from Old Thimi to Bhaktapur.

Source: Sabkura News Pvt. Ltd.

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