Sunday, January 10, 2016

YAN training on ‘Madhes Dialogue and Awareness Campaign’ concludes

Bardibas (Mahottari), Jan 10: Participants at the concluding two-day training on ‘Madhes Dialogue and Awareness Campaign’ in Bardibas, Mahottari today said that it was responsibility of the youth to transform the disturbed communal harmony in Madhes into unity.
Speaking at the training organised by CPN-UML aligned Youth Association Nepal, Association central chairman Rajib Pahari said that the YAN has started a campaign to wipe out misconceptions about the new constitution among Madhesi people, accusing some Madhes-based political parties of trying to shadow the constitution under different pretexts. “Some landlords in Madhes have spread misconceptions about the constitution lately. So it is necessary to remove such misconceptions,” he said.
Campaign coordinator Sanjib Jha said that the campaign is scheduled to be held in various places of Mahottari, Dhanusa and Sarlahi in the next phase.
YAN Vice Chairman Ramesh Poudel and secretary Madhav Bastola among others imparted training on YAN’s current duties and responsibility.

Source: Sabkura News Pvt. Ltd.

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